Saturday, 22 April 2017

Kharadron Overlords + Bits Box = SQUAAAATTS!!

Oh no he didn't.
Oh Yes I did.


  1. The bits box is shallower than the games cupboard. I need to mount an expedition to locate the small number of Squats that I do have. Really must find them one day....

  2. They came up a treat! I am gobsmacked at how well they fit. I mean I thought about this myself but didn't dream that it would look so right.
    Well done Ady. Brilliant.

    1. If you have a lot of Squat arms available then give it a go. Not all of the arms fit over the front of the Arkanaut torsos easily. There will have to be a fair amount of trimming of torso fronts or inner arms otherwise. I've got enough to consider getting a second box.
