Tuesday, 2 June 2020

What Else Has Been Through The Virtual Shopping Cart?

Apologies for no photos again.

The latest purchases waiting for me at home (hopefully):

Green Stuff World

Some Blue Stuff material for mould making.
Additional green stuff.

I feel the need to make up some dueling sabres/ swords for inclusion on the Ventrillian Noble conversions.

Perry Miniatures

Just for the giggles, I've ordered up some additional sprues from their accessories range.
Added to the painting table, for variety, will be some Agincourt era nights and some Zulu War British.

What do I have my eye on?

Wargames Atlantic

The upcoming Spider release.  Spiders of different sizes.
Predominantly for fantasy but some sci fi bits such as alternative legs, weapons and face masks will be available.
Maybe Boxer Rebellion Chinese.
I'm tempted by the WWI German infantry.
Definitely the Death Fields Space Brits.