Sunday, 26 August 2012

More Work in Progress

Latest order in from Oz.  HMRC stung me for an extra £19.00.  The taxman will have his blood.

First photo is of Highlanders with one of Col Gravis' Gatling Guns.  I can see Vic Lamb's and Curious Constructs' products complimenting each other quite well.

Captain Caine ready to go.  I'll possibly paint him up as a Mordian...not decided yet.

Guilty of sacrilege here.  Caine bisected and given some kilted legs to fit in with my Highlanders.

Victoria Lamb's Not-Mordians.  I may paint these up in a grey colour scheme to make them stand out as veterans.  I've stolen this inspiration from the currently Ebook only "Iron Guard" from the Black Library.

Highly unlikely that these will get painted for a while as I commence my pre-Deployment training soon.  Once next week is out of the way, there may not be any updates until next April!


  1. Very nice indeed, look forward to seeing some paint on them!

  2. Thanks for the WIP, its all looking good ;). That Gatling Gun is sweet as! I'll be interested in seeing how that kilted legs conversion turns out. My Captain Caine is almost ready for my blog. :)

  3. Its always a pleasure to look at other people's work... especially when it is Praetorians! Gatling gun looks amazing.
