Monday, 25 August 2014

Oh Dear....I've Done It Again!!!

It's been a while since I posted but I've started a new position which sees me doing a lot of moving around...and then I get bored with a Wi-Fi connection (which is dangerous)...and buy stuff.

Hence I now have another 40+ Praetorians to paint up.

As mentioned in an earlier post, these will be painted up using a pseudo Rifles scheme with the intention of them being Veterans so they stand out from the standard Redcoat trooper.  Kind of like companies of the better trained and equipped  95th and 60th Rifles being attached to Line Regiments during the Peninsula Campaign.

The challenge awaits, but update phots may only be posted on Saturday nights.  I'm thinking Caliban/ Dark Angels Green for jackets and trousers with Castellan Green for epaulettes and webbing.  I'm undecided for the helmets at the moment.  I will probably go for a wood effect on the lasgun furniture for a Baker Rifle feel.

The Curious Constructs bikers will be painted up in the same scheme.