Issue 6 was the last of my second batch delivery with the first repeat of the series so far. It contains a repeat of the three easy build Death Guard that came with Issue 2. As I bought two of Issue 2, I decided to do some hacking to try and get some variety into the squad. As such I have some bits left over to mix and match with future Death Guard and I may get onto buying some different bits via eBay.
The variant Rogue's Gallery. I hacked up the plasma gun mounted on the back of the Champion and added it to the front of the bolter carrying Marine. The second from left has taken possesion of the bolt gun and the power fist removed from the Champion. More detail as I start to get these ones painted up.
In need of some tidying up and a variant head. I also removed the Nurgle growths from the shoulder.
I may also look at buying up some Plague bearer plastic bits to add some variety to the Poxwalkers.