Thursday, 30 July 2020

When You Want To Support Your FLGS

In reality I was only really after some Liquid Greenstuff but they were out, Kill Team Rogue Trader was sitting there and I've always wanted that dog (sorry Canid).

As a plus point, the Geller pox models should be able to fit into a Plague Marine army.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Blood Pact Trial Paint Schemes

I've painted up the first two Blood Pact.  One is in standard fatigues, the other uses a Wargames Atlantic Les Grognard greatcoat torso.

The main difference between the two is the greatcoat being painted in the Blood Angels Red with a grey lining.  The fatigues are the deeper Flesh Tearers Red.

Boots and weapons are black. Backpacks and weapons will be one of the Contrast browns or painted ed over with standard acrylic paints.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Psykers, Beasts, Guardsmen And A Tracked Pulpit!

Productivity abounds.

The additional Psyker for my Renegade Guard is ready along with the six Blackstone Fortress Beastmen. 

I've also made a start on the additional Ventrillian Nobles.

As an additional draw on time, Indomitus has arrived so I've put together the new Objectives plus the Captain.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

First Run Blood Pact Squad Complete

The models are complete after using the full spread of my bits box and the bases are sanded.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, it will be spray time.  I'm thinking of using the various reds I have from the Contrast range but I'll see how the fancy takes me.

Definite Progress

As can be seen, there's a lot on the plate but there has definitely been some progress across the project streams.

Some Reikland Fleshshade has perked up the gold elements of the Squat armour.

Now I need to find some time to start on 26 Ventrillians!  And that's before Indomitus arrives...

Thursday, 23 July 2020

A Disturbing Lack Of Focus

One of the problems I'm having at the moment is the relative lack of time at home.

I feel I have lots of projects on the go and they all play a very minor role when compared to family time. 

As a result, there is a lot on the table and I'm darting between them all.

First Up.  The Squats.  I think they're coming off quite well and I'm looking forward to them being completed and added to a planned massed infantry photo.

A set of easy build Aggressors base coated with Leadbelcher and ready to be added to the Silver Templars.

On old Inquisitor model, stripped of the old paint job and given an initial Contrast grey coat.

Some Contrast browns tried out on the Blackstone Fortress Beastmen.

Some more Psykers from Blackstone Fortress.  The Imperium one is going to belong to my Praetorians and is having a Contrast scheme applied, partially as a trial for the upcoming Wargames Atlantic Space Brits (not the final name).

The second will be a fallen Praetorian psyker for the Renegades army.

A couple more Blood Pact. The one on the left is a Les Grognards model with a Victoria Miniatures lasgin and Curious Constructs head.

The second is Cadian legs with Curious Constructs head and torso. The heavy weapon is from the Northstar scifi upgrade kit for the Frostgrave Cultists.

More project hopping soon.