Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Contrast Paint Trial Scheme

Seeing as GW have launched a new paint range and I have a new army ready to go, what better time to try Contrast. 

I didn't want to start using them alongside an existing army to have a break in continuity. 

These models below have been started using the Flesh Tearers Red for the armour and Templar Black on the robes and weapons.

The advertising blurb for these paints stresses that one coat will give you highlighting and shading. I'll give these a go and break out the lightbox to have a final look.

Use of the black especially is a trial run for the Order of The Valorous Heart colour scheme I intend to use when GW relaunch their Battle Sisters range.

Why are the Anvil Nuns being painted red?  Why not?  Make them look different alongside the GW models to tie in with my pplan of them being from a different Order, hence the different armour style.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Anvil Industry Gothic Nun Champions

I've already featured the Arch Angel but here are some of the other characters I bought from the Kickstarter.

The Daemon Hunter.

A Standard Bearer.

The Lord (Lady?) Abbess.

A Gladiator Champion.  Not sure I ordered this one but maybe is was part of a stretch goal.

The helmeted version of the female Inquisitor.  Now this was a stretch goal model.

Again, top quality casting from Anvil Industry to make some characters that are bursting with...character.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Two Wings Are So Yesterday

Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of Anvil, may I present the Arch Angel.

Four Wings!

My phone camera does not really do this model justice. 

I've armed her with the flaming sword but a two handed spear version is included in the kit.

More of the character models later.

Fiddly Models + Clumsy Fingers = Bonding Moment

As mentioned previously, I have clumsy hands so the bonding moment is my fingers...to each other...regularly.

First up, Flying Armoured Nuns.  Maybe they could be called Seraphim!

Top notch work by Anvil.  As these are not meant for GW games, the pistols are slightly removed from the GW design but I plan to stand these alongside GW's Battle Sisters as Sororitas from a different order, possibly using older marks of armour.  It works for Space Marines.

Sci Fi Gothic Nuns (Battle Sisters) armed with arquebus (Bolters).

Now this is designed as a Grenade Launcher but my oh my, couldn't it be a Heavy Bolter?

For those who may be interested, once these hit retail, the Nun parts are available in lots of styles.  I have gone primarily for the sci fi versions but older style Renaissance versions were also designed.

Later on, some of the characters and champions that have been produced.

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Time To Strike The Anvil...Kickstarter Backlog

Despite some delays in production, my backing of the recent armoured nuns Kickstarter by Anvil Industry has been successful with good communication throughout from the company and the delivery of a fine product.

This is the first of the Gothic Nuns I started to put together. Shown alongside is the Traitor Command Renegade Commissar for scale.

First thoughts; a well cast miniature with the only drawback being the requirement for superglue and my clumsy hands.

More to come....

Friday, 26 July 2019

Death Guard Conversions

Seeing as I have multiple sprues kicking around with doubles (and more) of some Death Guard figures, I'm always happy to break out the clippers and the bits box
 to avoid obvious replications of figures. 

These two champions are now ready to join my alternate colour scheme Plague Marine squad after the use of alternate arms and shoulder pads. 

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Very Happy With That End Product

After the initial Zandri Dust spraying, I wasn't too convinced with the alternate colour scheme.  One application of Athonian Camoshade wash on the test model changed my mind.

These were quite quick to paint and I'm happy with the result.  Definitely adds some variety to what will potentially end up as quite a large Death Guard/ Plague Marine force.

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

A Costly Error

Well, enjoying a quick walk around the town centre yesterday, I noticed a fair few copies of the latest Conquest in WH Smiths.  I now own four Bloat Drones and four repeats of the Dark Imperium Plague Marines.

As a result, I decided to go a little bit conversion happy with two sets of the Marines and one of the Bloat Drones.  Additionally, these have been painted up with a Xandri Dust undercoat for an alternative Plague Marine Company.

Now these Marines do not easily lend themselves to conversions as some have half of a shoulder pad on the torso that only links up with one arm and so on. 

For example, for this plasma gunner, I had to remove the moulded on pad, clip off the head and do some messing around with the backpack.

The starter set Bloat Drone has had the Plaguespitter barrels removed and the spare muzzles from the alternative Plague Burster weapons glued on. Now, I know the Bloat Drone can't have that weapon option but as I rarely play...who cares?