Seeing as GW have launched a new paint range and I have a new army ready to go, what better time to try Contrast.
I didn't want to start using them alongside an existing army to have a break in continuity.
These models below have been started using the Flesh Tearers Red for the armour and Templar Black on the robes and weapons.
The advertising blurb for these paints stresses that one coat will give you highlighting and shading. I'll give these a go and break out the lightbox to have a final look.
Use of the black especially is a trial run for the Order of The Valorous Heart colour scheme I intend to use when GW relaunch their Battle Sisters range.
Why are the Anvil Nuns being painted red? Why not? Make them look different alongside the GW models to tie in with my pplan of them being from a different Order, hence the different armour style.