Sunday, 30 March 2014

What's on the To Do List

The projects are mounting up ready for a spot of Easter leave goodness.  It probably won't be completed but a goal has to be set!!



 Of course I still have to build the other four.


  1. I must say, this really does all look as if it would be enormous fun to work on!

  2. It may not be impossible for me to smash through it either especially if I take up a new role in June. It will be 84 hour weeks with a week off inbetween. This picture unfortunately doesn't include the new Airfix bamboo house set, the currently unbuilt Knight, five Rough Riders, twenty part painted Highlanders...and any new IG stuff I order!! I think that is still small change when compared to some other wargamer's hobby stacks.

  3. That Airfix bamboo house stuff is amazing!

    1. Again its another one of those my Pops made as a sweetener in 79. I'm hoping Amera push out a 1/32 vac base for it as part of their ongoing deal with Airfix.
